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Thanks for coming to Starboards docs! The point of this is to answer any questions you might have about what a starboard is, and how to use this bot. If you ever have any questions, feel free to join the support server.
Click here to invite starboard.
The source code for Starboard is available here. You're welcome to self-host it if you like.
To get a working starboard, see Basic Starboard. See Starboards for more detailed info on how to use starboards.
A starboard is a discord bot that essentially allows users to "vote" to "pin" messages, but instead of pinning them to the channel using Discord's pins, they are sent to your starboard. Usually, it works like this:
You create a channel called #starboard.
If someone sends a funny message, people can react to that message with ⭐.
Once the message receives a certain number of reactions, the message is sent to the #starboard.
It would be easy to create a simple Starboard bot that can just do the basics, where you set a channel and a number, and you're done. But with this bot, you can do so much more - from having multiple starboards all the way to setting specific permissions for each role.
This bot is sometimes confusing to new users, but once you figure out how to use it, you can customize the bot to fit your servers needs perfectly.
Multiple starboards per server
Multiple upvote and downvote emojis per starboard
25+ configurable options per starboard
Per-channel settings overrides
Per-role permissions
Autostar channels